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A boolean's story

Posted on 8 mins read
Tags: rust

Earlier this month I told you about my pet project in Rust.

As a reminder, it’s a tool named rusync which contains some of the functionality offered by the rsync command-line tool.

Today I’d like to talk about a feature I’ve added recently, and take this opportunity to show you a few principles of good design along the way.

You can find the code on github and download it from

The algorithm #

You run rusync by calling it with a source and destination directory, like so:

$ rusync src dest

The algorithm is pretty straightforward:

  • Recurse through all directories and files in the src directory
  • For each source file (for instance src/foo/bar.txt), check if the destination file (dest/foo/bar.txt in this case) exists. If it does exist, get its mtime (that is, the date it was last modified). Then, if the source is more recent than the destination, or if the destination is missing, proceed and copy the whole contents of src/foo/bar.txt to dest/foo/bar.txt.

One of the issues I had to deal with is the preservation of permissions. Suppose one of the files is executable, let’s say src/foo/bar.exe, then the destination (dest/foo/bar.exe) should be executable too.

So, after the destination file has been written, we should apply the necessary transformations so that the permissions of the destination file match the permissions of the source file.

The code #

Here’s what the implementation looked like at the time.

There’s a bug waiting to happen in the following code, can you find it ?

Let’s start by main():

#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
#[structopt(name = "rusync")]
struct Opt {
    source: PathBuf,

    destination: PathBuf,

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::from_args();
    let source = &opt.source;
    let destination = &opt.destination;
    let mut syncer = Syncer::new(&source, &destination);

We declare a struct Opt which will contain our command line options, then in main() we parse the command line arguments and instantiate a new Syncer object.

Here are the relevant parts of the Syncer implementation:

impl Syncer {
    fn new(source: &Path, destination: &Path) -> Syncer {
        Syncer {
            source: source.to_path_buf(),
            destination: destination.to_path_buf(),
            // ...

    fn sync(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
        let top_dir = &self.source.clone();

    fn walk_dir(&mut self, subdir: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
        for entry in fs::read_dir(subdir)? {
            let entry = entry?;
            let path = entry.path();
            if path.is_dir() {
                let subdir = path;
            } else {

    fn sync_file(&mut self, entry: &DirEntry) -> io::Result<()> {
        let rel_path = get_rel_path(&entry.path(), &self.source)?;
        let parent_rel_path = rel_path.parent();
        let to_create = self.destination.join(parent_rel_path);

        let src_entry = entry::Entry::new(&desc, &entry.path());

        let dest_path = self.destination.join(&rel_path);
        let dest_entry = entry::Entry::new(&desc, &dest_path);
        fsops::sync_entries(&src_entry, &dest_entry)?;

As you can see, the bulk of the work is done by the sync_file function, which calls fsops::sync_entries with a Entry type.

The Entry type is a container for the file path and its metadata. Reading metadata about the file (such as its mtime) is expensive, so we do that once in the Entry::new() function and the rest of the code can then use the public functions of the Entry struct to retrieve info about the file in question.

pub struct Entry {
    path: PathBuf,
    metadata: Option<fs::Metadata>,
    exists: bool,

impl Entry {
    pub fn new(description: &str, entry_path: &Path) -> Entry {
        let metadata = fs::metadata(entry_path).ok();
        Entry {
            metadata: metadata,
            path: entry_path.to_path_buf(),
            exists: entry_path.exists(),

    pub fn path(&self) -> &PathBuf { &self.path }
    pub fn exists(&self) -> bool { self.exists }

    pub fn metadata(&self) -> Option<&fs::Metadata> {

Finally, let’s take a look at the sync_entries function:

const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 100 * 1024;

pub fn sync_entries(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry) -> io::Result<()> {
    let more_recent = more_recent_than(&src, &dest)?;
    if more_recent {
        return copy_entry(&src, &dest);

pub fn copy_entry(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry) -> io::Result<()> {
    let src_path = src.path();
    let src_file = File::open(src_path)?;
    let dest_file = File::create(dest_path)?;
    let mut buffer = vec![0; BUFFER_SIZE];
    loop {
        let num_read = buffer)?;
        if num_read == 0 {
    copy_perms(&src, &dest)?;

fn copy_perms(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry) -> io::Result<()> {
    let src_meta = &src.metadata();
    let src_meta = &src_meta.expect("src_meta was None");
    let permissions = src_meta.permissions();
    let dest_file = File::create(dest.path())?;

As you can see, the sync_entries function takes care of copying the source file contents to the dest file chunk by chunk, and then calls copy_perms().

A new option #

After a while, it occurred to me that rusync will be annoying to use in case we copy from an ext4 partition to a fat32 partition.

Indeed, Linux cannot set permissions on a fat32 partitions, so the code from copy_perms would surely fail in this case.

I decided what I needed was a flag on the command line so that users of rusync could choose to turn off the “copy permissions” feature.

Well, this does not seem to hard, does it ? We just need to pass around a boolean called preserve_permissions all the way from the Opt struct in main to the sync_entries in function, across the Syncer struct.

Let’s do that!

First, let’s adapt

struct Opt {

    #[structopt(long = "no-perms")]
    no_preserve_permissions: bool,

    // ...

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::from_args();
    let source = &opt.source;
    let destination = &opt.destination;
    let preserve_permissions = !opt.no_preserve_permissions;

    let mut syncer = Syncer::new(&source, &destination);

    // ...

Then let’s adapt the Syncer:

impl Syncer {
    fn new(source: &Path, destination: &Path) -> Syncer {
        Syncer {
            source: source.to_path_buf(),
            destination: destination.to_path_buf(),
            // ...
            preserve_permissions: true,

    pub fn preserve_permissions(&mut self, preserve_permissions: bool) {
        self.preserve_permissions = preserve_permissions;

    fn sync_file(&mut self, entry: &DirEntry) -> io::Result<()> {
        // ...
        fsops::sync_entries(&src_entry, &dest_entry, preserve_permissions);

And then let’s adapt sync_entries and copy_entry:

pub fn copy_entry(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry,
                   preserve_permissions: bool,) -> io::Result<()>  {
    let more_recent = more_recent_than(&src, &dest)?;
    if more_recent {
        return copy_entry(&src, &dest, preserve_permissions);

pub fn copy_entry(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry,
                  preserve_permissions: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
    let src_path = src.path();
    let src_file = File::open(src_path)?;

    // ...
    if preserve_permissions {
      copy_perms(&src, &dest)?;

Now we run the tests, and it looks like nothing broke. Hooray!

Time for refactoring #

There are several things we can change to make the code more readable.

First, we can get rid of the double negative in

impl Opt {
struct Opt {
    #[structopt(long = "no-perms")]
    no_preserve_permissions: bool,

    // ..

+ impl Opt {
+     fn preserve_permissions(&self) -> bool {
+         !self.no_preserve_permissions
+     }
+ }

fn main() {
    let opt = Opt::from_args();
    let source = &opt.source;
    let destination = &opt.destination;
-   let preserve_permissions = !opt.no_preserve_permissions;
+   let preserve_permissions = opt.preserve_permissions();
    let mut syncer = Syncer::new(&source, &destination);

Yeah, I know it’s a little change, but it’s the kind of little details that matter in the long run. Double negatives are just as hard to understand in plain English as in code.

Then we have all these functions that take a boolean parameter.

As Uncle Bob would tell you, whenever you have a function that takes a boolean, you almost always want two functions instead.

So let’s think about our preserve_permissions boolean.

Turns out we can split sync_entries in two. One that only does the copy, and the other one that deals with permissions preservation.

We’ll keep the preserve_permission field in the Syncer, and only call the second function if we need to.

Let’s have a look at the patch:

- pub fn copy_entry(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry,
-                   preserve_permissions: bool,) -> io::Result<()>  {
+ pub fn copy_entry(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry) -> io::Result<()> {

  // ..

-    if preserve_permissions {
-        copy_permissions(&src, &dest);
-    }
- pub fn sync_entries(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry,
-                      preserve_permissions: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
+ pub fn sync_entries(src: &Entry, dest: &Entry) -> io::Result<(SyncOutcome)> {
     if more_recent {
-        return copy_entry(&src, &dest, preserve_permissions);
+        return copy_entry(&src, &dest);

impl Syncer {

    fn sync_file(*mut self, entry: &DirEntry) -> io::Result<()> {

         let dest_path = self.destination.join(&rel_path);
-        fsops::sync_entries(&src_entry, &dest_entry, self.preserve_permissions)?;
+        fsops::sync_entries(&src_entry, &dest_entry)?;
+        if self.preserve_permissions {
+            fsops::copy_permissions(&src_entry, &dest_entry)
+          }

It seems we just moved the logic about permissions preservation from the low-level fsops module, to the high-level Syncer module, but the consequences of this refactoring may be more profound than you think.

A new design #

Note how the functions in fsops now know nothing about the command-line flags.

That’s us trying to adhere to Single Responsibility Principle. The SRP more or less states that each module should only have one reason to change.

Code in will have to change if we want to customize the behavior of rusync (like deleting the extraneous files in the destination folder). On the other hand, code in will have to change if we want to modify low-level implementation details of rusync (like using a more efficient algorithm like rsync does).

Note that in the first case, we’ll of course have to add code in fsops.rst to delete files or directories, but we are OK with it because the code will likely don’t have to be modified, we’ll just have to add more functions. (That’s an other principle at play here called the Open/Close Principle).

Anyway, found the bug yet?

The bug #

I actually discovered the “bug waiting to happen” I talked about in the beginning when I re-ran the test suite after I performed the refactoring I just discussed. One of the tests started failing.

Can you try and find it just by looking at the patches above ?

There is a clue about the bug in one of the previous post of this blog.

If you want to find out, click on the “spoiler” below.

Toggle Spoiler

It’s the same kind of bug I mentioned in the non-isomorphic C++ refactoring article.

You see, in Rust some types implement the Drop trait, and have a .drop() method called when they go out of scope.

In our case, before our refactoring, the dest file was created twice. Once in the copy_entry() function, and an other time in the copy_perms() function. Usually, File::create truncates the file, but when the first file handle was destroyed, its contents were magically preserved. (Software is weird sometimes)

After the refactoring, the second File:;create() was called after the first file handle was closed, and the destination filed ended up empty (but with the correct permissions …)

Thanks for reading this far :)

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