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An npm Story

Let’s say you have a cross-platform C++ application (Linux, Mac, Windows).

Convinced that using web technologies to implement the GUI is a good idea1, you start writing some javascript, css and html code that would run in a QtWebEngine window.

Choosing your tools #

It’s a brand new project, so you decide you’re going to use:

  • nodejs so that you can quickly view the rendering of the html, css and js files in the browser.
  • react and redux for the GUI
  • mocha for the automatic testing
  • sass because writing CSS manually is painful
  • webpack so that you can generate static assets that will be integrated in the GUI

Obviously, this means you end up with quite a few javascript dependencies, so you write a package.json and start using npm to fetch them.

You also read about why we should stop using grunt, so you patch the package.json to have something like

  "dependencies": {
      "webpack": "latest",
  "scripts": {
      "build": "webpack src/*.js"

And since you do care about build reproducibility, you use shrinkwrap so that you don’t accidentally pick up unwanted library upgrades.

So you run npm install shrinkwrap, npm shrinkwrap, and you push the generated npm-shrinkwrap.json (that contains all the libraries names and version numbers) to the remote git server.

Of course, because you’re a front-end developer, you earn enough money to afford a shiny Apple laptop to hack on your code.

But what happens when you try to use all this shiny new technology on Windows?

fsevent not found #

One member of your teams, working on Windows, then needs to build the static assets on his machine.

“Easy”, you say, “just run npm install, then npm run build and you’re all set!”

But, after he installs node, and runs npm install he tells you he got an error stating that fsevent is not available for hist platform.

fsevent is actually an optional dependency, but because you generated the npm-shrinkwrap.json file on your mac, npm install tries to install it.

This is a known npm bug, and it seems the only workaround is to somehow patch the generated npm-shrinkwrap.json file to remove the dependencies you do not care about.

A workaround #

“All right”, you say, “I’m just going to write a script that will patch the generated file, and the team members working on Windows will just have to run it from time to time”.

“It does not really matter, because all those Windows devs are back-end developers anyway …”

You first patch the package.json to add a list of dependencies to ignore:

  "scripts": {
    "shrinkwrapIgnore": "node ./shrinkwrapIgnore.js"

  "shrinkwrapIgnore": [

  "devDependencies" {
    "jsonfile": "^2.4.0",

And then you write a shrinkwrapIgnore.js file looking like:

const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const jsonfile = require('jsonfile');
const childProcess = require('child_process');
const shrinkwrapIgnore = require('./package.json').shrinkwrapIgnore;

const SHRINKWRAP_PATH = path.join(__dirname, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json');

try {
  childProcess.execSync('npm shrinkwrap --dev', {
    cwd: path.dirname(SHRINKWRAP_PATH)
} catch (error) {

const shrinkwrapContents = jsonfile.readFileSync(SHRINKWRAP_PATH);
shrinkwrapContents.dependencies = _.omit(shrinkwrapContents.dependencies, shrinkwrapIgnore);
jsonfile.writeFileSync(SHRINKWRAP_PATH, shrinkwrapContents, {
  spaces: 2

And then … #

Satisfied, you tell your team mate: “It’s fixed!, just checkout the hack-for-windows branch and …”

Yup, how is he going to run any npm stuff if npm install fails?

Python to the rescue! #

That’s when a third team mate comes to the rescue. “Don’t worry”, he says, “I’ll rewrite your script in Python”.

And that’s what he comes up with:

import sys
import collections
import json

with open("package.json", "r") as fp:
    package_json = json.load(fp)

to_remove = package_json["shrinkwrapIgnore"]

with open("npm-shrinkwrap.json", "r") as fp:
    shrinkwrap = json.load(fp, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)

for dep in to_remove:
    print(sys.argv[0] + ":" ,"removing", dep)
    # do not fail if key is already removed:
    shrinkwrap["dependencies"].pop(dep, None)

with open("npm-shrinkwrap.json", "w") as fp:
    json.dump(shrinkwrap, fp, indent=2)

Few notes #

1/ Loading a value from a .json config file in Python is quite long:

with open("foo.json", "w") as fp:
  data = json.load(fp)
  value = data["value"]

In javascript, it’s a one-liner:

const value = require("./foo.json").value

2/ We are using a small hack to make sure the order of the keys is preserved:

import collections
import json

shrinkwrap = json.load(fp, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)

This makes it possible to have a meaningful diff after we’ve run the Python script. (Hopefully this will no longer be necessary starting with Python 3.6)

3/ Note how we use the pop() method with an default argument:

my_dict.pop(key, None)

This is shorter and more readable than:

if key in my_dict:
    del my_dict[key]

That’s all for today, see you later!

  1. I do think it is a good idea, but that’s an other story … ↩︎

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